Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Trashed River

Now, take a look at this image and compare it with the picture of a clean river. There are trash bags, trash, cans, bottles, pieces of wood, and etc. This is what the world is coming to if we continue to litter. Our society will be completely trashed if we keep going down the path we are. Statistics say that for every 100 people 30 litter. That means that only 70 people are going to throw away their trash. This number needs to change or our environment will soon look like this.

A Beautiful River

Notice how clean this river looks, not a piece of trash in sight. This is how nature should be. Clean, not polluted, a beautiful place for animals to enjoy their natural habitat. Pictures like this make the environment special because it's not everyday you see a setting like this.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Polluted Beach

Now compare the picture you just saw with the one you are looking at now. The picture prior to this one was clean, beautiful, and it looked like a pure enviornment. Where as this image is fully polluted. There is trash every where from people on the beach. There is glass bottles, cans, rappers, food, and etc. It's little things that people do and they don't realize the effects it has on people and/or nature.

A Clean Beach

Take a look at this picture of the beach. See how clean it is and how beautiful the water looks because it's not polluted. Or how about the sand? Isn't it nice that someone can actually have a place to walk insteading of having to walk around trash, glass, broken bottles, etc.

Destroying the Beauty

Looking at this image and the one above is astonishing. You can obviously see the effects littering has on nature. It all starts out with one person just throwing a coke can out the window thinking it's not a big deal. But the one thing that he/she didn't consider is the amount of people who do that daily, which is why some enviornments end up like this.

Beauty of Nature

Nature can be one of the most beautiful things. Notice the image to the left, it's a bunch of bright green beautifully bloomed trees. The leaves are beginning to turn colors and fall on the ground. You can see the sun shinning through the trees. What makes this image so striking is the cleanness and the overall beauty of the picture. Unfortunately, nature nowadays isn't as pretty as some images show.